Sia Taylor

In the qui­et of the Som­er­set coun­try­side, jew­eller Sia Tay­lor takes an artis­tic approach to her craft. Trained in sculp­ture at the Roy­al Col­lege of Art, Sia uses pre­cious met­als to cre­ate minia­ture works of art.

Influ­enced by ephemer­al sen­sa­tions and the minute details in the nat­ur­al world, Sia trans­lates these often-over­looked moments into poet­ic jew­ellery, shim­mer­ing with movement. Each ele­ment is hand­craft­ed by a small team of arti­san jew­ellers – leaves are cut and shaped by hand, gold dots melt­ed and ham­mered and hand-formed tiny beads pre­cise­ly drilled, to cre­ate pieces of a refined beauty.

The soft palette of rain­bow golds is cre­at­ed in a blend of 100% recy­cled met­als. Gold scrap is refined and re-alloyed – cre­at­ing a new gold made from this repur­posed met­al, free from recent­ly mined gold.

Qui­et moments are trans­formed into pre­cious objects to be col­lect­ed and worn…

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